We provide IT services for selected customers

If you have an idea, we can make it real – with a visually appealing and technically outstanding web application. Based in Zurich, our seasoned team of experts can cover all your needs – from design and engineering through to implementation and project management.


Your idea is our inspi­ration

We will support and advise you in all phases of your project, staying resolutely focused on your business idea. Once we’ve developed a possible solution, the next step is to produce a prototype that will give you a feel for what we can offer. Projects


Bringing design and tech­nology together

Our designers and technical staff work together as a close-knit team. The combination of graphic design, software architecture and web programming under one roof gives rise to smart solutions that make our clients’ lives easier. Projects


Experts by your side

Do you speak SQL, C#, Angular, React, HTML, CSS and DNN? We do. The team we put together for your project will ensure that your idea becomes a reality – as you want it, when you need it. Team


Serving clients

We always focus on what’s needed. As specialists in our field, we deliver bespoke solutions for clients from a wide range of sectors that make their everyday business simpler. Clients & Partners


Contact us to find out more

Icontel AG

Brandschenkestr. 51
CH-8002 Zurich


+41 44 288 9999